KMcloud unter den Besten der Besten – bis Ende Mai kostenfrei testen
The new KMmaster version enables greater cooperation between divisions and branches worldwide with user profiles, rating, document distribution and search function. Pumacy Technologies AG today announced the release of version…
Community of Knowledge has become a user of the knowledge management service KMcloud and manages experience and know-how. Pumacy Technologies AG started the new cloud-based knowledge management service KMcloud (…
Cloud computing is currently one of the most frequently occurring IT topics. It attracts the attention of businesses from nearly every sector. Pumacy offers one of the fist cloud-based platforms…
Müller-Prothmann, T. & Frost, I. “KMmaster® for Collaboration and Knowledge Management.” In: Salmons, Janet & Wilson, Lynn: Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organization Synergy. Hershey/PA: Idea Group, 2008.…