The global dialog about accessing fresh and clear water has to consider the impact of sustainable hydropower projects. This discussion is led by the International Hydropower Association (IHA). It is…
KMmaster® – Concept
The KMmaster promotes active knowledge management of your employees. Knowledge is developed, documented and integrated in all processes of your organisation
- Creative processes are boosted, new ideas appear;
- personal experiences can be captured and
- provided to others;
- knowledge building blocks are archived for later access,
- integrated into work processes,
- validated and identified as key knowledge.

KMmaster is a basic technology to develop, collect, share, store, apply, and evaluate knowledge. Based on the three keystones documentation, organisation, and collaboration, KMmaster can be aligned with your individual business needs.

Structure, Documents, Data, Cassification Conception of knowledge building blocks to capture explicit knowledge as well as implicit individual experiences, competencies and networks. A classification system allows access to the stored knowledge.
Community, Individual, Groupware, Motivation Knowledge and ideas are developed, shared, improved, and validated within groups.Additional communication channels such as news features and micro blogging for enterprises accelerate the exchange of informal knowledge and increase collaboration.